The fall equinox is in a couple of weeks and though the weather here in Western North Carolina is hot and sultry, there are subtle signs that change is coming.
We are coming to a still point, that moment when movement ceases before a new direction is taken. It is that moment just before the breath out becomes the breath in, before the pendulum swings back.
When we do the things that bring about change, when we choose to alter our life’s path, when our life’s path is altered for us there will be a still point. Honor it.
Over the years I have come to recognize it in a person’s eyes, there is a look when some change has brought them to the brink of the still point. You see on the other side of this still point is transformation. It is something the soul knows but the rest of the psyche needs time to integrate.
Nature is a wonderful teacher. The butterfly goes through many changes, many transitions, as it goes from egg to caterpillar but it is only in the stillness of the cocoon that it undergoes the transformation to become a butterfly.
If you are at this still point… rock back and breathe. At this moment there is nothing for you to do.