The Constellation Experience™ brings awareness so that we live more fully.

We are all deeply connected.

In our DNA we carry more than the genes for the color of our eyes or the shape of our face.
We carry the stories and experiences of our ancestors.

The Constellation Experience seeks to uncover the soul stories we carry that affect our lives.


Family Constellation Life Series

Systemic Constellations

Constellations offer a way to see the unconscious stories; or soul agreements that may be influencing our lives. It re-connects us to our deepest knowing; to our place in our family lineage and community and to the broader tapestry of life.


Services for individuals, families and groups to gain clarity: deepen connection and improve communication.
While I’m still ‘being’ with the entire experience today, I can say right now that it was a powerful workshop on several levels. I will highly recommend your Constellation Experience™ workshop to all who will listen. Thank you, Nancy!

Janet Ledder, Asheville, NC

I wanted to share how much cleaner and brighter my interior world feels this morning. I have more space, relaxed. I trust I will receive continued insight from our work yesterday. On some level I knew I'd been carrying my Mom's emotional baggage-- feeling as a child somehow responsible. I am very grateful to set aside what was hers.

LS, Asheville, NC

I recently attended a constellation workshop that Dr. Nancy Kehr facilitated and I was totally amazed by what I experienced. It was obvious that Nancy brings a great deal of wisdom to her practice from the many years of training and group experience she has had. Everything seemed to flow easily and clearly for each participant and I was blown away.

Barbara Alexander
President of Sacred You Academy, Asheville, NC

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