Family Constellation Life Series
With Dr. Nancy Kehr

Introduction to Constellations
Enter the Knowing Field

TBD, 2024
10:30 – 1:00

$45  (4 Pack Pricing Below)

Liberated Belonging
Healthy Relationships

TBD, 2024
10:30 – 1:00

$45  (4 Pack Pricing Below)



Mind, Body, Spirit
Working Together

TBD, 2024
10:30 – 1:00

$45  (4 Pack Pricing Below)

Soul Connections

TBD, 2024
10:30 – 1:00

$45  (4 Pack Pricing Below)


Asheville, NC


What if you could gain insights that could help you lead a more empowered life?


In this introductory workshop you will learn:

  • How unconscious or soul agreements can affect individuals and families.
  • How out of love we may carry what doesn’t belong to us.
  • How unresolved issues from the past can be passed down generation to generation creating illness; difficulties in relationships and a decreased capacity to accept the gifts life has to offer.
  • Where we can connect to the strengths in the family soul.


In Systemic Constellation work we enter the Knowing Field which takes us out of looking at a situation from the limited view of the mind and into a broader way of seeing.



Nancy L. Kehr is a facilitator, healer and teacher with a Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine degree. Initially training in Family Systems Constellation work with Francesca Mason Boring, she has attended International Systemic Constellation Intensives in Germany and in the United States. She continues to take part in trainings and workshops with leaders in the field to learn about new developments in this ever expanding work. Nancy was a presenter at the 2015 North American Systemic Constellations Conference and has been a contributing writer to the Knowing Field Journal.

While I’m still ‘being’ with the entire experience today, I can say right now that it was a powerful workshop on several levels. I will highly recommend your Constellation Experience™ workshop to all who will listen. Thank you, Nancy!

Janet Ledder, Asheville, NC

I recently attended a constellation workshop that Dr. Nancy Kehr facilitated and I was totally amazed by what I experienced. It was obvious that Nancy brings a great deal of wisdom to her practice from the many years of training and group experience she has had. Everything seemed to flow easily and clearly for each participant and I was blown away.

Barbara Alexander
President of Sacred You Academy, Asheville, NC

I wanted to share how much cleaner and brighter my interior world feels this morning. I have more space, relaxed. I trust I will receive continued insight from our work yesterday. On some level I knew I'd been carrying my Mom's emotional baggage-- feeling as a child somehow responsible. I am very grateful to set aside what was hers.

LS, Asheville, NC

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