
“I Choose To Receive”

“I Choose To Receive”

In these last days before the New Year many are reflecting on the year we will be leaving behind and beginning to focus on the year ahead. What will be taken with us? What will we leave behind? Lists are made of what we want to bring into our lives in the new year....

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The Ultimate Gift

The Ultimate Gift

Mother’s day is this Sunday. People who will read this post will be in all stages of that particular relationship of child to parent. We may be close or estranged; she may have made her transition and walk on the side of the ancestors; we may have never known her but...

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Context - noun: the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed. Context makes all the difference in how we view something or someone. A word, a phrase, a picture taken out of...

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Reach For The Sun

Reach For The Sun

Today, February second, is Imbolc. While many are still in the darkest and coldest time of the year it is a symbol of the successful passing of winter. It also symbolized the movement of the Goddess energy from Crone to Maiden. We feel the passing of the seasons...

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Home On The Mountain

Home On The Mountain

This is a different kind of blog post. It is a spontaneous writing from my heart. My wish is that you find something for yourself in these words.   I love the sounds. The soft roar of the trees and the melodies of the chimes as the wind comes down the mountain. I...

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We are coming up on the Winter Solstice which will soon be followed by the New Year. These are collective times of change around which people often create ceremony from simple celebration to rituals for releasing what no longer serves and welcoming the new. One of the...

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Serving And Living In Silence

Serving And Living In Silence

November 11th is Veterans Day. At the 2015 North American Systemic Constellation Conference, now less that a week away, one of the keynote speakers is Ed Tick, author of "War of the Soul, Healing Our Nations Veterans from Post Traumatic Stress" (2005, Quest Books)....

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Liberated Belonging

Liberated Belonging

As human beings we come into this world with the cellular need to belong. One of the "rules" in Systemic Constellation work is that in a family everyone has the right to belong. A great deal of personal Constellation work involves who in a family was excluded and how...

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The Importance Of Space

The Importance Of Space

The space I am referring to is that empty place before you as you see something differently, find yourself in a new paradigm. In the Constellation work I do I am aware that there has been a shift within a person after a session or workshop. That shift is a soul...

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When The Space Appears….Take a Breath

When The Space Appears….Take a Breath

On March 20th we have the conjunction of two astronomical events. The new moon and spring equinox occur within a few hours of one another. My astrological friend tells me there is even more to this event in that the new moon will be at 29 degrees of Pisces. Now why...

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I wanted to share how much cleaner and brighter my interior world feels this morning. I have more space, relaxed. I trust I will receive continued insight from our work yesterday. On some level I knew I'd been carrying my Mom's emotional baggage-- feeling as a child somehow responsible. I am very grateful to set aside what was hers.

LS, Asheville, NC

While I’m still ‘being’ with the entire experience today, I can say right now that it was a powerful workshop on several levels. I will highly recommend your Constellation Experience™ workshop to all who will listen. Thank you, Nancy!

Janet Ledder, Asheville, NC

I recently attended a constellation workshop that Dr. Nancy Kehr facilitated and I was totally amazed by what I experienced. It was obvious that Nancy brings a great deal of wisdom to her practice from the many years of training and group experience she has had. Everything seemed to flow easily and clearly for each participant and I was blown away.

Barbara Alexander
President of Sacred You Academy, Asheville, NC

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