There is a difference between the phrase to know and knowingness. The mind thinks is knows, but much of that mind knowing is really a story that people have either written themselves or they believed someone else’s story.

We are continually bombarded by information to the point of being overwhelmed. The result of all of this is a constant feeling of tension, of feeling that we have to intellectually run fast like a hamster on a wheel. More importantly this intellectual knowing serves to box us in, to keep us from expanding into true knowingness.

The Don’t Know has unlimited potential. Why? Because it allows for all possibilities, it erases boundaries so that our personal energy can expand without limits.

How often has a person who has  done the seemingly impossible when asked how they did it replied “I don’t know” or “I didn’t know it was impossible”. These people have tapped into the endless potential of the Don’t Know.

The best doctors, artists, craftsmen, auto mechanics, etc. while having technical knowledge are not boxed in by it. They  tap into the Don’t Know and allow for all of the possibilities to come up.

Many have lost touch with that inner knowingness because they are encased in the intellectual box of knowledge. This box isolates us from one and other and from the very planet we live on. Before we felt we had to fill ourselves up with information people would spend hours just living in the Don’t Know. Allowing their heart, their beingness, to open to the wonder of all that is and from that openness great inspiration came.

My invitation is for you to allow yourself to begin to enter the Don’t Know and allow your universe to expand in ways your thinking logical mind cannot even fathom and see where your heart and soul lead you. There is great beauty and much love out there.

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The Constellation Experience