
Nancy L. Kehr is a facilitator, healer and teacher with a Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine degree. Initially training in Family Systems Constellation work with Francesca Mason Boring, she has attended International Systemic Constellation Intensives in Germany and in the United States. She continues to take part in trainings and workshops with leaders in the field to learn about new developments in this ever expanding work. Nancy was a presenter at the 2015 North American Systemic Constellations Conference and has been a contributing writer to the Knowing Field Journal.

In addition to the Constellation work, Nancy studied with Barbara Alexander and is certified in Equine Facilitated Learning as well as Reiki I and II.

Nancy describes herself as a “soul-listener”. Using her intuitive abilities to listen for the deeper stories we all carry within us. The Constellation Experience™ combines the foundational work of Systemic Constellations with deep listening and multiple other modalities to create a system designed to bring you clarity and awareness and the new strength and healing that result.

Although this work may reveal hidden and/or ancestral dynamics, it does not constitute counseling or therapy. The Facilitator, Nancy L. Kehr, is not a psychotherapist or counselor; she serves only as an escort. The facilitator has no influence over the information, or transformation, which may be revealed by this work.

I recently attended a constellation workshop that Dr. Nancy Kehr facilitated and I was totally amazed by what I experienced. It was obvious that Nancy brings a great deal of wisdom to her practice from the many years of training and group experience she has had. Everything seemed to flow easily and clearly for each participant and I was blown away.

Barbara Alexander
President of Sacred You Academy, Asheville, NC

While I’m still ‘being’ with the entire experience today, I can say right now that it was a powerful workshop on several levels. I will highly recommend your Constellation Experience™ workshop to all who will listen. Thank you, Nancy!

Janet Ledder, Asheville, NC

I wanted to share how much cleaner and brighter my interior world feels this morning. I have more space, relaxed. I trust I will receive continued insight from our work yesterday. On some level I knew I'd been carrying my Mom's emotional baggage-- feeling as a child somehow responsible. I am very grateful to set aside what was hers.

LS, Asheville, NC

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